Monday, March 3, 2008

605.462 - Homework #3 Web Notebook - Part 1

This is my first "web notebook" entry with regard to homework #3 in Dr. Chlan's Data Visualization class. In this assignment I am supposed to formulate a question that can be expressed in a visualization.

This log is going to show what I had to do to construct the visualization.

First, I have to formulate the question by performing the following steps:
1) download one or more databases from U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics
2) pose a question that should be expressed in that data

The databases we were directed to were a set of Occupation Employment and Wage Estimates. I selected the 2002 - 2006 "State Cross-Industry estimates." These databases contains the total number of persons employed and their average annual salaries by occupation within each state.

The question I would like to ask is "Is there a relationship between the growth of the computer and mathematical science occupation and a higher overall average annual salary?" The "growth of the computer and mathematical science occupation" shall be measured by indicating an increase in total persons employed in the occupation.

Next, I have to do the following:
  • format of the dataset
  • select the visualization system
  • design and perform the transformations required to work with the visualization system
- Kris

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