Saturday, May 28, 2011

Planning my running for the Fall Campaign

I ran my second WarriorDash™ last Sunday. Once again, I competed hard in a fun race, but didn’t go all out for the win. I finished 238th  of 8,279 overall for the Sunday group, which was 20th of 562 in my age group. screen capture screen capture screen capture 2011-5-25-18-20-31
Later this week I went for a slow run in the heat of midday. This long run was attempted with nothing but a liter of water and two Endurolyte™ capsules. I did 13.83 miles in 2:28:57. Though I was dragging most of the time, it was probably 90°F, the fueling before and during was not appropriate, and frankly I just want to run and did not care at all about my pace. It was fun and gave me a chance to think about how I want to prepare for my Fall marathons.
I have checked Jack Daniel’s Running Formula out from the library in order to get some pointers. This plan will be put together as I had read more and thought about it. In the meantime, I plan to run long once a week and do my Runervals™ training (Treadmill Tempo and Cheetah Fast) twice a week. With some supplemental miles I’ll try to get up to about 40-50 miles a week. I’ll do this over 3 weeks and judge how things are going by attempting a Runerval base pace (BP) of 3.5 mph until it gets easy. For those who have not done Runervals 3.5 mph seems slow, but the workout will have you running BP + 5 mph at 5-6% incline. In order to not arbitrarily decide what is easy and what is not easy I will use my heart rate monitor. I will sign up for a 5K race in for the last weekend of June.
For supplemental training I’ll be doing the hundred pushups challenge, P90X and swimming. I’ll try to get some stretching in and eat right (better). I’ll try to have my full training plan and race schedule set up in couple of weeks.

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