Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Race week: The last hard workout before the race

I am feeling awesomesauce (thanks Angry Runner). I just love hitting my workout goals. I set out this evening to run a 5k at my current projected 10k pace. I guessed that I could run a 10k at this point in a 7:15/mi pace, which is actually slower than my per mile pace at last year's Cherry Blossom 10-mile run (7:12/mi). I threw down a respectable 22:18 (7:11/mi pace) over a hilly (462 ft of ascent) 5k car strewn course on a pair of long day at work, pick up oldest son from field trip, scarf down dinner, pick up daughter from ballet, marathon-slowed legs. That's awesomesauce on top of amazeballs!

When I do this good at my workouts I feel as cool as this dude...

Aside: I openly challenged all my co-workers at last year's Armed Forces 5k and put out a 21:06 only to get 2nd in my group of colleagues. I believe they all better watch out now cause I am going to sharpen my speed after the marathon and try for a sub-20 5k this May.

Aside 2: I have started the hundredpushups.com 100-consecutive push-up challenge again, but I forgot to take rest breaks (4 straight days with no rest breaks). Since my initial push-up test ended up with 33 tallied I started with week three 80, 100, 120 reps over 5 sets. My arms are feeling a bit trashed.I think that I'll start the challenge again after the marathon so I don't do something stupid.

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