A funny thing happened to me today when I was doing my four mile training run. I had spent some of this morning watching the replay of the 2009 Boston Marathon on the Universal Sports website. One of the most dramatic parts of that marathon was the three person race down Boyleston Street between Salina Kosgei, Dire Tune, and Kara Goucher. I noticed that Kosgei used a bit of a hunched over posture with some of her center of mass forward, ahead of her feet. I ran the first mile or so in my standard upright position and felt the typical treadmill running lethargy. I then pitched forward to emulate the 2009 Boston women's champ and could barely resist increasing my pace.
I ran the first 2.5 miles with the pace set to 7 mph (8:34 min/mi) after completing that distance I increased it to 7.5 mph (8:00 min/mi) with a fast finish final lap of 8 mph (7:30 min/mi). So, today's four mile run was 4 miles in 33:21 for an average pace of 8:20 min/mi.
During the faster portion of my run I thought of my expected race strategies. I am registered to run the Cherry Blossom 10-miler in April. I expect to set my pace for the 10-miler for 8:00 min/mi and try to negative split the second half and come in at 1:15:00. I wonder whether I have been training correctly for this speed. I have done few speed workouts and have been fairly consistently training for some kind of race since mid-November. I'll be looking for a proper training plan to get me some confidence for this time in the next few weeks. My base is strong.
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